The world within cont...
Think about an object which will be considered 'mass' traveling at the speed of light. The only object that we know of that moves closest to the speed of light would be a meteor. But what happens to a meteor as it is traveling down to earth? It begins to break and decay, then turns into dust. Now think of a human body traveling at the speed of light. Wouldn’t it be incredible if an undiscovered factor allowed the human body to travel at this speed without the same consequences? I believe the equation E=MC2 is perhaps missing a factor that could allow for human beings to travel through time. To discover a means for time travel, we must first understand two major ways for the human brain to gain knowledge: by using our senses to observe and listen. Listening to a lecture in a classroom or even hearing music through headphones are learning methods due to our ears processing sound. The human ear processes sound waves into something that our brain can utilize. If we practice listening to certain types of sounds, such as binaural beats, perhaps we can access unused parts of our brains when using our ears to process them. If we practice and learn to process different types of waves and sound frequencies, perhaps we can learn to process and find meaning in some of the other types of waves that fill our universe. If an individual keeps on expanding his/her knowledge by exposing his/herself to different types of sound waves and begins to learn how to process these waves, there is no limit to what we could discover.